the inner dating method

inner joy is a transformative method that helps you connect with your inner parts, engage in internal meaningful dialogues, understand their needs, and provide what's necessary to bring them back to joy.

The method consists of four simple steps that lead to powerful results, blending time-tested traditional techniques with modern approaches. You can incorporate the practice into your life whenever uncomfortable emotions, thoughts, or behaviors arise, helping you integrate your inner parts and restore inner balance.

Once mastered, it's easily accessible without requiring prior knowledge, tools, or specific settings. It's designed to seamlessly fit into our fast-paced lives, with noticeable results starting from your first inner conversation.

The inner dating Program

The curriculum covers essential dimensions of personal development, such as shifting perception, cultivating equanimity, and embracing the present moment, enabling you to interact and connect with your inner parts. With practical tools and straightforward strategies, you'll examine your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors from a non-judgmental and unbiased perspective, ultimately achieving emotional balance and joy in your life. Self-compassion and unconditional self-love emerge naturally from the practice. The program serves as a booster for inner satisfaction and peace, resulting in a well-rounded, holistic, empowering experience. integrates spiritual, emotional, and practical components, allowing you to embark on a profound and meaningful journey of self-understanding, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance without the need to invest years, holidays, or significant amounts of money in studying extensive ancient philosophies. I've already gone through that path for you, and now, with this streamlined, comprehensive, and effective method tailored to the Western world's digital natives, I am eager to help you thrive in your daily life while embracing emotional resilience.

The four steps


1. decoding

…your inner conversation.

Decrypt the true message behind any hurt or disturbance you experience.

decode wisdom

2. Identifying

…your inner speaking persona.

Recognize which of your inner selves is communicating and why.


3. Assessing

…your inner part's needs.

Determine what this inner part requires to return to a calm and loving state.


4. aligning

…with your inner character.

Create your perfect, tailored inner strategy to provide support and care.